Directions to Kobberhaughytta
Nordmarka is the forested region north of the capital Oslo - spanning over 300 km². The locals use the area all year round for hiking, skiing, biking, camping, fishing and more! It is not allowed to drive within the boarders of Marka - so all exploration has to be done by foot/bike/ski
From Sørkedalen school:
This is the shortest route. Easily accessible with public transport. Take metro to Røa and change for bus #41 to Sørkedalen skole. Check schedules and routes at Ruter.no. If you are driving, there is a big parking lot at Elveli. From the bus stop, follow the marked trails by blue signs. You can either follow the road, or the path in the forest. If you want to go by bicycle, it is easiest to follow the road. About 5 km in total and 250 meters in elevation. Expect around 1,5 hours up, 1 hour down. If you are arriving by bike, this is the best way as there is a road the whole way.
From Frognerseteren:
Take the metro to Frognerseteren. From here, follow the blue signs towards Nordmarkskapellet and then Kobberhaughytta. About 8 km to walk, expect to use about 2 hours each way.
If you are going by bike - note that the last 1,5 km is a narrow path where you should expect to push the bike the last bit (trillesti).
From Sognsvann:
Take the metro to Sognsvann. Follow the blue signs towards Kobberhaughytta. You have several options on the way, depending how far you want to walk, and if you want to follow trails or road. Expect about 10 km and 2,5 hours each way.
If you are going by bike - note that the last 1,5 km is a narrow path where you should expect to push the bike the last bit (trillesti).
Kobberhaughytta is a popular destionation for skiing in the winter. Park your skis outside, and enjoy a freshly baked cinnamon bun or a waffle in front of the fire place.
For information and status on the ski tracks - visit Skiforeningen (The Ski Association) online.
You can start from Frognerseteren, Sørkedalen, Sognsvann or Hammeren. To mention a few.
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