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Tilbake til hei
"17 mai-tog" i Skarvheimen i forbindelse med Geiterygghyttas 100års jubileum.

Events at Finsehytta

Throughout a season, several major events are organized at Finsehytta.

17. mai in Finse

Come celebrate the 17th of Mai with us here at Finsehytta!

Read more about the 17th of Mai
Read more about the 17th of Mai


True to tradition, Finseblues will take place from June 28th to June 30th, 2024. This year, it's once again Bjørgvin Bluesklubb and Finsehytta organizing the event. We have 100 spots available - so it's first come, first served! :D

Read more about Skarverennet
Read more about Skarverennet

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