Prices self-catering cabins DNT Oslo and Omegn
Please note that these prices apply to DNT Oslo and the surrounding area. Other member associations in DNT may have different prices.
Prices self-service cabins 2024
Please note that these prices apply to DNT Oslo and the surrounding area. Other member associations in DNT may have different prices.
Prices self-service cabins 2024(english)
Our prices are based on DNT Oslo and Omegn price list. Prices may vary from other DNT-cabins
Prices for proviant 2024 / Prices for food (english)
This is a standard list for all DNT Oslo and Omegn's self-service cabins, but it may not be possible that all items are available at this cabin. We do our best to offer all guests as complete a selection as possible.
Now it is easier to book DNT Oslo og Omegn's cabins. The new joint booking solution embraces hundreds of DNT cabins in Norway and makes it much easier to plan cabin trips in the countryside and in the rest of the country.
In 2023, the Norwegian Trekking Association's (DNT) new booking service was launched at the web address
Here you will find DNT's cabins and can search by area, dates and in an interactive map to find the cabin that suits the trip you are planning.