Remember the windsack on a mountain hike
The windsack is a cheap and lightweight life insurance. In addition, it is excellent as a living wall when you are resting.
Bivvy Bag is mandatory for winter trips in the high mountains. It provides shelter from the elements when you take a break or need to change clothes, as well as good protection for a longer period of time if it is difficult to dig down due to little snow or the like. Bivvy Bag keeps the wind out and insulates well, but it can get cold if you stay for a long time or have to stay overnight. If you also have a sleeping bag and sleeping mat with you, you are even better protected against the cold.
Even in the summer, you can be surprised by storms with both snow, rain and wind in the high mountains. Then it is good to get into Bivvy Bag sheltered from the weather.
On days with sun and wind, Bivvy Bag can act as a living wall during the break, set up between two skis or on poles. Other uses can be mentioned as ski sails, but then it is a good idea to check the compass course and to be aware of cornices and the terrain in general.
What is a windsack?
A windsack is a large sack of about one and a half by two metres that can hold two adults and one child. It is sewn in a light and thin synthetic fabric, often nylon, and weighs about 500 grams. Bivvy Bag is windproof on both sides, and often waterproof on one side to withstand sleet, rain and snow.
There are several types of windsacks and mountain cloths, in several sizes and with zippers. If you are going to buy a windsack, you should keep in mind that it must be as simple and light as possible. Subtleties such as windows and zippers are not necessary. Bivvy Bag must be easy to use.
You will find a selection of wind bags on dntbutikken.no
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