We spend more time out in nature, and we use it in more and more different ways. The Norwegian Mountain Code helps you plan and carry out a fantastic trip – which is also safe.
The Norwegian Mountain Code
Plan your trip and report where you are going.
Customize the trip according to ability and conditions.
Pay attention to weather and avalanche forecasts.
Be prepared for inclement weather and cold, even on short trips.
Bring the necessary equipment to be able to help yourself and others.
Make safe choices. Recognize avalanche-prone terrain and unsafe ice.
Use a map and compass. Always know where you are.
Turn around in time, there's no shame in turning around.
Conserve your strength and seek shelter if necessary.
Download and print a poster with the Norwegian mountain code:
Plan your trip according to your group's abilities, and always have several options.
Make sure you have information about the hiking area and the conditions you are going on a trip in.
Listen to experienced mountain people.
Make sure you have the knowledge and skills required for the trip in question.
Be considerate of nature. With good planning, you won't leave a trace behind.
Make appointments regardless of mobile coverage needs and precise times.
2. Adapt the trip according to ability and conditions
Make ongoing assessments of the conditions, and adapt your plans accordingly.
Show respect for the weather!
Being on a trip with others provides increased safety, and someone to share the experiences with. If you are on a trip alone, be extra careful.
Do not embark on a long trip without experience, you must be able to take care of yourself and the others in the group.
Show consideration for other hikers.
Know the rights of public access and the obligations that come with it, and make sure that the tour group has a culture of open and direct communication.
3. Pay attention to weather and avalanche forecasts
Always use the weather and avalanche warnings, and familiarize yourself with what it means for you in the area you are going to travel in.
Make use of the advice associated with the current forecast and easily choose terrain when conditions are demanding.