Find your next trip on UT.no
On UT.no - all of Norway's trip planner - you will find thousands of tour suggestions and cabins all over the country.
Here you will find all DNT cabins, Statskog's rental cabins and open cabins, as well as many private tourist cabins and accommodation. In addition, you will find many thousands of tour suggestions, route descriptions and hiking destinations all over the country.
With the UT.no and UT app, you can:
- See detailed hiking maps with marked footpaths and ski trails
- Find thousands of suggestions for great hikes, ski trips, bike rides, paddle trips and more
- Find tourist cabins, mountain lodges and other accommodations all over the country
- Register your visits digitally and collect mountain peaks, cabins and other hiking destinations all over the country with CheckOUT
- Write in the digital guestbook of all cabins and hiking destinations you visit and register with CheckOUT
- Create your own to-do lists with cabins, trip suggestions or hiking destinations
- Find and follow our ready-made lists of recommended hiking destinations, places and cabins
- Draw, save, and view your own rides
- Download offline maps to use when you're on a trip without cellular service
Go to UT.no or download the UT app for iOS or Android to get started!
Download the UT app for iOS (iPhone)
Download the UT app for Android
Multi-tool UT.no
With UT.no, it should be easy to find and plan trips you can enjoy - regardless of whether you are used to hiking or not, and no matter where in the country you live. Get inspired, plan and go on a trip!
The voluntary work UT.no
DNT's member associations across the country, as well as a number of other teams, organizations, municipalities and companies are behind the content of UT.no.
Much of the content is written and quality assured by hikers on a voluntary basis. UT.no is simply a big volunteer effort for hiking Norway, where both small and large contributions count.
The social mission UT.no
Being on a trip is more than a leisure activity, it is a contribution to a better quality of life, to better health. With UT.no, DNT has taken on an important social mission – not because we have to, but because we want to.
UT.no is of course free, both for you as a user of the service and for everyone who contributes content.
UT.no is a service from the Norwegian Trekking Association, in collaboration with Statskog, the National Association of Outdoor Councils, the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Norwegian Mapping Authority.
See also