Winter marking in the mountains
In winter, the most commonly used winter routes in the mountains of southern Norway are marked with twigs. The routes are laid out by experienced mountaineers who know where it is safe and best to go.
On you will find an overview of the marked ski trails. The knotted trails are easy to distinguish by having a dotted blue line. These are trails that are only marked for parts of the winter (seasonally marked) and usually unprepared, for example DNT's winter routes/twig trails in the mountains from Trøndelag and southwards.
DNT has previously made a paper map or a pdf file with an overview of marked trails. We have now moved away from this because we want as fresh data as possible, and we get this by using
Always check the cabins and routes on before you go on a trip, or contact your local tourist association if you want hiking guidance.
Are you wondering what the conditions are like in the mountains right now? Our weather forecasts describe the conditions in selected mountain and hiking areas.
Slik er vinterrutene merket
Vinterrutene på fjellet er merket med naturkvist. Noen få er merket med bambus- eller plaststikker. Fjellrutene er bare merket deler av vinteren, men noen få er permanentmerket med staker, staur, maling på trær, plastbånd eller på annen måte. Nesten alle skogsløyper er permanentmerket. Merkingen utføres av turistforeningene, hoteller og lokale organisasjoner.
- De fleste steder står merkingen til den faller av seg selv, men rutene blir ikke vedlikeholdt etter datoene som er oppgitt. Noen få steder fjernes kvisten etter siste merkedato.
- Merkinga kan bli forsinket eller falle bort på grunn av vær- og føreforhold som gjør det umulig å få satt ut kvisten.
- Ruter som har vært merket tidligere kan i år være tatt bort grunnet økt rasfare eller spesielle hensyn til dyreliv.
- Vær oppmerksom på at ruta inn til en hytte kan være merket uten at hytta er åpen fordi den leder videre til en annen hytte som er åpen.
Always keep an eye on the map
Although the marked winter routes are often a safe choice of route in the winter mountains, you cannot always rely on the markings. Twigs may have been blown down, nibbled up and eaten by reindeer, or the weather may mean that you cannot follow the markings. The twigs are no substitute for a map and compass, so always keep an eye on the map when you walk, so that you know where you are at all times.
There are many hiking maps that are adapted to different mountain areas and have the winter routes drawn. The Norway series 1:50,000 from Nordeca covers the whole country. If you use GPS, you must bring a paper map and compass anyway.
Do you need a map for the trip? In our online store you can buy hiking equipment and maps at a member price.
The weather in the winter mountains changes quickly
Skiing in the mountains offers great nature experiences, but requires knowledge from those who travel there. The weather changes can come suddenly, but if you are prepared and have the equipment and expertise required, there are many good experiences waiting for you!
Are you new to winter outdoor life? Get tips and advice here.
How to dress in the winter mountains: Packing list for your winter trip
Here you will find a pdf of the kviste map from 2022, for use in planning: kvisttekkort 2022.pdf