DNT cabins in Østmarka
In Østmarka there are a number of different DNT cabins, whether you want to enjoy a few days by a lake, go on a family trip or just want peace and quiet for yourself. In total, there are 7 unmanned cabins in Østmarka, which are open all year round and locked with a standard DNT key.
Published: September 17, 2024
- When you want to experience Østmarka then and now.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed.
- When you want to live right by the water.
- The cabin is booked as a unit.
- When you want to experience a log cabin.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed.
- Easily accessible cabin with proximity to the lake Fiskelausa.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed.
- When you want to live a pine cone throw from protected primeval forest.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed
Upper Saga
- When you want to get a taste of the old days.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed.
- Newer, easily accessible cabin, nice for families with children.
- At this cottage you book bed for bed.
Useful information about the forest cabins
- Priser markahyttene
- Spørsmål og svar om Oslomarka
- Hytteregler på Markahyttene
- Midtukepriser
- Hund på hytter
- Hyttetips i Marka

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