May + days off = cabin trip in the woods
Spring is in full swing and soon May will be just around the corner. This is a month with many good opportunities to take a cabin trip in your local area. In this article, you will get a complete overview of which cabins are available on days off and squeezed days in the month of May.
Published: September 17, 2024
Available cabins 17 May
Add this year's 17th of May celebration to Oslomarka! Many of the cabins have been booked on this day, but there are still some cabins available so that you can celebrate Constitution Day out in nature.
Available cabins 2nd Whit Monday - 18-20 May
Just after May 17 comes the Pentecost weekend and Monday the 2nd Pentecost is a public holiday. Then you have the opportunity to take a weekend trip in the woods. The following cabins have vacant parts or the whole weekend.
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