Winter activities at Finsehytta
Finse is a perfect place to go cross country skiing. The snow lasts untill the end of May. The routes are marked with sticks, and goes in direction to other cabins, like Krækkja, Hallingskeid and Geiterygghytta. Finsehytta is nicely located to start a cabin to cabin tour, as the train station is so close.
Welcome to Winter wonderland!
Finse is covered by snow, and and excellent place for those who loves winter. Cross country skiing, kiting, snowshoeing, drinking something warm (or cold) in the sun. Playing board games with the family, or relax with a fantastic view in front of you. Finse has something for all age groups. A perfect place for a familiy holiday.
You can make a reservation with full board, or you can come without a reservation. Everyone gets food and a place to sleep. Hope to see you in Finse in Winter.
Stay for several days
It is also possible to use Finsehytta as a base, and explore the areas surrounding us. It is not only a nice place for cross country skiing, but the mountain wind makes Finse a popular place for kiting.
Reccommended Ski trips
The Orange Cabin
Orangehytta is a little cottage owned by the Finse Red Cross. It is about 5 km from Finsehytta, and it is located next to Hardangerjøkulen (the glacier). It is a nice trip which does not require expert skiing skills. Suitable for children as well as adults. The route is marked (follow signs to Hardangerjøkulen), and starts flat, crossing the lake in Finse. After the lake the terrain varies between flat, uphills and some downhills. On a nice weather day it is a perfect place to sit and enjoy the sun and a hot chockolate. The cabin has a room where you can find shelter if it is to cold to sit outside. It is not any serving there, so bring a nice pack of lunch, and a thermos with hot drink.
Klemsbu is located about 1600 meters above sea level. In the weekends (in winter season) you can buy waffles and drink there. When it is not serving, the cabin is closed. You start in Finse, and follow the sticks marking the route to Klemsbu. It is quite steep, and is suitable for adults and children that are in good shape, and has normal/good skiing skills. If you like down hills, you can turn and go back the same way after Klemsbu, but if if you prefere a longer trip in the beautiful winter landscape, you can continue the Klemsbu round, and you will end up back in Finse. Klemsbu is about 5 km from Finse, and the entire round is about 15 km. Absolutely recommended day trip if you are staying in Finse for some days.
The Glacier Round
Jøkulhytta is the cabin on top of the glacier Hardangerjøkulen, 1850 meters above sea level. This trip is for experienced skiiers. You follow the tracks to Orangehytta, and starts the climb up towards the glacier. It is very steep. Skis with steel edges and skins are recommended. You can go to Jøkulhytta and back (ca. 20 km), or continiue the glacier round ( ca. 25 km). This trip is an amazing experience, but you need to consider the weather reports before going. In strong winds/snow it can be dangerous. The round usually gets marked in the midle of the winter season.
Cabin to cabin
For information about the cabin to cabin trips, you can visit www.ut.no. You can also contact the DNT tourist information.
Kiting and ski sailing
A lot of kiters come to Finse. The lake is some days full with colors from the kites. It is a beutiful view. If you want to try ski sailing, Finse 1222 are arranging some courses during the winter.
Ski clean
It is no longer possible to rent skis from Finse 1222. You cannot rent any equipment from Finsehytta. You need to bring your own skis, shoes etc.
See also