How to get to Fannaråkhytta
The easiest way to Fannaråken is to follow the T-marked path up from Sognefjellshytta, Turtagrø or Skogadalsbøen.
From Turtagrø to Fannaråkhytta
The most accessible route is from Turtagrø. There is a road here. The trip goes first on a gravel road into Helgedalen, then on a marked path up to the top. It is approx. 8 km and 1200 meters of elevation gain from Turtagrø and up, and takes approx. 4-6 hours.
If you want to join the glacier guide over Fannaråkbreen, you can start at Sognefjellshytta. There is a road here. From there, one goes approx. 2 hours to the lower edge of the glacier, where one meets glacier guides from Fannaråkhytta in the summer season. One must sign up for the glacier guide in advance,
See more info about glacier guidance here.
Read more about the trip to the glacier on UT.no
A third route up here is from Skogadalsbøen. From here, one who has passed through Jotunheimen, from between Anna Fondsbu and Olavsbu. Then one goes up Gjertvassdalen and via Fannaråknosi. The trip is about 11 km and 1100 meters of elevation, and takes about 6 hours.
Read more about the trip on UT.no
Public transport
There are daily bus routes from Oslo to Otta and from Otta to Sognefjellshytta and Turtagrø in the summer.
There is also a bus to Lom, which corresponds with a bus to Sognefjellshytta and Turtagrø. Fjellruta 200 Lom-Sogndal
Otherwise, one can take the train to Otta and bus further up Sognefjellet.
See also