Glacier guide over Fannaråkbreen
To get up to Fannaråkhytta, it is possible to cross Fannaråkbreen. We lead over the glacier in the summer season, and provide both a guide and equipment.
Registration for all our glacier guide trips is done via DNT's activity overview.
You can use the filter function to find glacier guides for the day that is relevant to you.
The registration deadline for the glacier guide is two days before departure. If you want to sign up after this, you must contact Fannaråkhytta directly by phone.
- Member = 260,-
- Ikkje member = 335,-
Payment is made by booking in advance
It is the same price for children and adults.Lower age limit 6 years.
Practical info
- We provide ropes, harnesses and crampons
- Important with good footwear and clothing
- It is possible to bring a dog
- For safety reasons, we do not allow children in the child carrier
From Sognefjellshytta, up the glacier and to Fannaråken
- Meeting point: Lower glacier edge on Fannaråkbreen.
- Meeting time: 12:30 pm
- Time to the glacier: The hike from Sognefjellshytta to the lower glacier edge takes approx. 2-2.5 hours, and goes on the T-marked trail. If you start from Krossbu, you must calculate at least half an hour longer.
Hiking description to Fannaråkhytta
The hike from Sognefjellshytta and over the glacier is the easiest way to the top, as one starts at an altitude of 1430 meters, while the other trips start at 850 and 950 meters respectively. The path from Sognefjellshytta is T-marked, see the route on UT.no. Be aware of the signage already at the cabin. The trail first goes along the road towards Turtagrø, and then turns south (to the left when one comes from Sognsfjellshytta). It's hard to end up on the wrong path if you don't follow a little closely at the start, but it's signposted and marked well. Right after kissing the river that flows into the east side of Prestesteinsvatnet, walk west (to the right) and follow the path along the south side of the lake. At the lower edge of the glacier, a glacier driver meets. The trip across the glacier usually takes 1-1.5 hours. Then you enter the T-marked trail, and from there it is 400 meters of elevation gain and 2 km to the top. Anything between 16.00-18.00 is the normal time to arrive at the cabin at the top!
From Fannaråken, down the glacier and to Sognefjellshytta
- Meeting point and meeting time: You will receive information about this the day before or the same day from the staff at Fannaråkhytta.
- Time to the glacier: The hike from Fannaråkhytta to the agreed meeting point takes around an hour. Consult the hosts at Fannaråkhytta about how long you should calculate.
Trip description to Sognefjellshytta
From Fannaråkhytta to the upper glacier edge, follow a T-marked path towards Skogadalsbøen. After approx. 1-1.5 hours, you will meet a sign about glacier guidance at 1700 meters above sea level. Here's where one meets the British. When you want to go over the glacier from Fannaråkhytta, you get a harness and possibly other equipment from the cabin. Normally I am at the lower between 12-12.30 o'clock, but it is also not inevitable that I will go down even later.
See also