Frequently asked questions about Fannaråkhytta
Before you send us an email, you may find the answer to your question here:
Camping around the cabin?
It is possible to camp at the top. Let the reception know on arrival that you are going to camp. We are helpful in finding possible tent sites. It is possible to buy food at the cabin if you are camping, but we cannot promise that we have enough space for you to sit in the dining room.
How do I cancel my stay?
Cancellations can be made via my page. The cancellation date is the day we receive your cancellation. There is a lot of e-mail and hectic working days at the cabin, so it may take some time before we can process your cancellation. If you have not received a refund of the amount you are due to receive back within 30 days, please contact us.
How do I order a glacier guide?
For handicap registration, send an e-mail to Fannaråkhytta no later than two days before. We need the name and phone number of one of the hiking groups, the number of people, the date and whether you are going up or down the glacier.
Do you have a waiting list for accommodation?
No, we do not have a waiting list at the cabin.
Can I bring a dog to the cabin?
We have one hundred rooms in the cabin. This is booked via our online booking page. This room is for those with dogs only.
What are the snow conditions around the cabin?
On senorge.no it is possible to check snow conditions. It is also possible to contact DNT Oslo and Omegn on info.oslo@dnt.no
Can I order dinner when I am not staying at the cabin?
If you want to have dinner at the cabin, please contact us.
Can I book accommodation by email?
We want all guests to use our online booking. Accommodation at Fannaråkhytta is booked and paid in advance.
Is it possible to move an order?
Please contact us to change or cancel your stay. Cancellation policy can be found here
I have allergies or want vegetarian food, what do I do?
Please let us know when you arrive at the cabin. We have offers for everyone.
Is it possible to charge the phone at the cabin?
It is not possible to charge a mobile phone in the cabin. (We only have solar cells and generators that are only used in emergencies).
Is it possible to stay at the cabin outside opening hours?
It is not possible to stay at the cabin outside opening hours, as we do not have a self-service part.
See also