Book your stay at Fannaråkhytta?
Fannaråkhytta has a dormitory with 34 beds. In addition, we have a room for dog owners with 3 beds. We want accommodation to be booked in advance.
Book accommodation
To book accommodation, you can easily use DNT's online booking, or you can contact us by email or phone.
If you have any questions regarding booking, just contact us at fannarakhytta@dnt.no!
Remember to bring a valid membership certificate to get a membership price!
We offer glacier guidance over Fannaråkbreen glacier - more information about this can be found here.
It should pay to be a member
If you are a DNT member, you get a discount on both accommodation and food.
If you are going to stay for more than 2 nights, you will save back the membership. At the same time, you support DNT's work with facilitating trips and good experiences in the mountains.
As a member of DNT, you get, among other things, a membership price on DNT's 550 cabins, a discount on outdoor equipment and on DNT trips. You support our work to mark and clear trails in Marka and in the mountains and operate the DNT cabins.
Cancellation Policy:
- If cancelled 8 days before arrival, a full refund of the stay will be given, minus an administrative fee of NOK 300.
- (Example: Stays on Friday must be cancelled no later than Thursday the week before before 23:59)
- If cancelled 0-7 days before arrival, no refund of the stay will be given.
We remind you that it is possible to come to the cabin without booking a stay in advance.
Cancellation policy applies regardless of weather, road conditions and illness.
For groups and companies, separate terms and conditions apply.
For joint trips/courses and events, other terms and conditions apply.
Cancellations are taken directly with the cabin
See also