Book your stay at Aurlandsdalen Turisthytte
Feel free to book your stay via our online booking or contact us by email or phone.
Book a stay
To book a room, you can use DNT's online booking. Hyttebestilling.dnt.no
If you want to order by e-mail, send us the following information
- Arrival day / Departure day
- Number of persons, year of birth of children/adolescents
- Feel free to inform about any allergies
- Member of DNT or not.
- The name of the person who has ordered with the address and telephone number of aurlandsdalen@dnt.no
Price list serviced cabins
DNT pension includes accommodation, breakfast, 3-course dinner, lunch/thermos (four slices of bread) and shower.
Adult DNT pension from NOK 1060
- 1060,- larger room (dormitory)
- 1 200,- bed room 4-6 people
- 1 275,- bed room 1-3 persons
Not a member
- NOK 1,390 larger room (dormitory)
- 1 580,- bed room 4-6 people
- 1 660,- bed room 1-3 persons
Children 13-18 years old with DNT pension from NOK 910
- 910,- larger room (dormitory)
- 985,- bed room 4-6 people
- 1 000,- bed room 1-3 people
Not a member
- NOK 1,390 larger room (dormitory)
- 1 580,- bed room 4-6 people
- 1 660,- bed room 1-3 persons
Children 4-12 years old with DNT pension from NOK 500
- 500,- larger room (dormitory)
- 555,- bed room 4-6 persons
- 585,- bed room 1-3 persons
Not a member
- 780,- larger room (dormitory)
- 870,- bed room 4-6 persons
- 910,- bed room 1-3 persons
For more information about prices for serviced cabins click here.
It should pay to be a member
If you are a DNT member, you get a discount on both accommodation and food.
If you are going to stay for more than 2 nights, you will save back the membership. At the same time, you support DNT's work with facilitating trips and good experiences in the mountains.
As a member of DNT, you get, among other things, a membership price on DNT's 550 cabins, a discount on outdoor equipment and on DNT trips. You support our work to mark and clear trails in Marka and in the mountains and operate the DNT cabins.
Cancellation Policy:
- If cancelled 8 days before arrival, a full refund of the stay will be given, minus an administrative fee of NOK 300.
- (Example: Stays on Friday must be cancelled no later than Thursday the week before before 23:59)
- If cancelled 0-7 days before arrival, no refund of the stay will be given.
We remind you that it is possible to come to the cabin without booking a stay in advance.
Cancellation policy applies regardless of weather, road conditions and illness.
For groups and companies, separate terms and conditions apply.
For joint trips/courses and events, other terms and conditions apply.
Cancellations are taken directly with the cabin
See also