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To kvinner bærer kajakk ut i fjellvann.

Take a course with DNT this summer

Do you dream of paddling, walking on a glacier or becoming a traveler on a map and compass? Throw yourself into it and sign up for a course!

DNT is Norway's largest organizer of courses in activities such as climbing, glaciers and mountain sports. We also have our own tour leader courses and instructor education, as well as digital outdoor courses and beginner courses. All of the courses are arranged all over the country, and are open to anyone who wants to learn more about being out in nature.

Become a tour leader with DNT

To unge kvinner med tursekker og kart.
The tour leader education will enable you to lead trips for DNT.

How about signing up for a course and climbing your way up the tour leader ladder? DNT needs more tour leaders! So if you have some hiking experience, work well in a group with different people and can keep a cool head when needed, you should really consider participating in DNT's tour leader training.

Read more: Become a tour leader in DNT

Learn outdoor life for beginners

Dame med tursekk i skogen.
Beginner courses are for those who want an introduction to outdoor life.

DNT's introductory courses in outdoor life are practical courses where the participants themselves will try their hand at lighting a fire, cooking outside, using a primus, map and compass and trip planning, to name a few. The goal is to become confident in planning and carrying out day trips in the woods and fields, and you get a great course certificate and a handbook in outdoor life after completing the course. The beginner courses are both for those who have done a little hiking before, and for those who are complete beginners. 

Read more: Beginner course

Become an instructor

To mennesker klatrer i fjellvegg på sommerne.
Do you like steep outdoor life? Become an instructor with us!

To meet the growing interest in courses and trips in glaciers, climbing and avalanche training, DNT needs more instructors. Through our instructor education, we offer the Norwegian Mountain Sports Forum's glacier instructor courses and climbing instructor courses, as well as avalanche instructor education, with national education standards. So if you love to go hiking, like to work with people and have a taste for ropes, ice and steep terrain, the instructor education may be something for you.

Read more: Instructor course

Learn to paddle

Dame i kajakk på fjorden. Rød hytte i bakgrunnen.
After a passed kayak course with DNT, you will receive a våttkort, part of the Norwegian Paddle Association's course ladder. 

Are you eager to learn how to paddle down a river, perform an Eskimo roll or embark on fat rapids with your paddle? Paddling has become very popular in recent years, and for good reason. Here you are close to both coastal and wildlife with your body as an engine. DNT arranges both intro courses and courses for those who have knowledge of paddling from before. 

Take a climbing course

Jente i klatrevegg.
On our climbing courses, you will learn about safety, knots, binding and equipment, and get the skills you need to climb on your own.

Climbing is the perfect relaxation, good exercise for the whole body and socially. Do you want to learn to climb? Join one of our climbing courses. Climbing courses are about gaining knowledge, about safety and about becoming independent. DNT arranges both indoor climbing courses for beginners, and outdoor climbing courses for both beginners and advanced. The offer varies from place to place. 

Learn a map and compass

Kart og kompass.
A map and compass should always be with you on the trip. But can you use it?

When you are going on a trip in the mountains, it is absolutely necessary that you know a map and compass. For your own safety. But the trip also becomes much more interesting and educational when you can follow the terrain and on the map and see what the peaks you pass are called, how high they are, etc. If you're just going for a short walk in the woods, it's also both a good idea and fun to keep an eye on the map; It gives you a sense of security to know where you are on the map and it is nice to know where to go next. 

Take a glacier course

Menneske i solnedgang på isbre. Foto.
Do you enjoy the high mountains and dream of hiking on a glacier? Take a glacier course with DNT!

On a basic glacier course, no prior knowledge is required, but you should be used to the mountains. The course shows you how to travel on glaciers in a safe and nature-friendly way. A glacier course with DNT opens up completely new opportunities in the mountains, and will experience a new form of safety and security. As organizers, DNT is approved by the Norwegian Mountain Sports Forum (NF), and the courses are in accordance with NF's standard for glacier courses.

Take a digital outdoor course

Dame sitter utenfor telt i skogen. Foto.
Take a free, digital outdoor course, and be extra prepared before you go on a trip!

Sometimes it is not appropriate to travel the country and beach to learn everything you need to know about experiencing nature in a nice and safe way. That's why we've created several digital outdoor courses that you can attend. Learn, among other things, what trackless travel is, how to pack your backpack or what you can actually eat outside. Yes, everything you need for a great outdoor experience! 

Read more: Digital outdoor courses


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