Dovrefjell - SAGA
Snøhetta is Dovrefjell's landmark. In earlier times, it was considered to be Norway's highest mountain. Today we know better, but it is easy to agree that the Snøhetta massif is impressive where it towers high and free over the mountain plateaus of Dovre. It is also Norway's highest mountain outside of Jotunheimen.
Much of its unique position in the consciousness of Norwegians is probably due to the fact that the largest valleys in Norway originate up here and that Snøhetta is located on the historic main thoroughfare between the "northern mountain and the southern mountain" Norway.Gudbrandsdalen, Romsdalen, Drivdalen/Oppdal/Sunndal and Folldalen/Østerdalen start at Dovre.
The 11th stage of the trip goes from Grimsdalshytta to Hageseter/Hjerkinn Fjellstue, note that these are not DNT cabins.
See also