SAGA is DNT's long-haul route from Lillehammer to Snøhetta. 225 km over Ringebufjellet, through Rondane and Dovrefjell. All on the Norwegian Trekking Association's marked trails, with accommodation in serviced and self-service cabins.

Cabin along SAGA
When you walk SAGA you get to visit a total of 14 cabins. The cabins are beautifully located and offer everything you need for a good overnight stay. It is a pleasant and exciting part of the trip to come to a new cabin every afternoon. Plan your trip well and read about all the cabins on Ut.no. Remember to check the opening hours! Feel free to book your stay in advance.

Tour description
From the flight of the Birkebeiners with Håkon Håkonsson in the far south of the route, to the adventurous Snøhetta in the north. From Peer Gynts and Dovregubben in Røndeslottet, to "Agree and believe until Dovre falls". On this trip, you move on both historical and fabled ground. Are you ready to create your SAGA?

My SAGA - Five young people on a trip
On June 24, five young people with no, or little hiking experience from Oslo S will leave together with Kaweh Almassy, Sharam Khalifeh and general manager of DNT Oslo, Henning Hoff Wikborg. In 14 days, they will walk from Lillehammer to majestic Snøhetta on Dovrefjell. They have hardly ever been on a trip before, and they will be the first to complete the new SAGA.
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