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Andre uken av minutt for minutt gikk fem dager gjennom Jotunheimen. Bildet er fra første etappe fra Bøvertun til Sognefjellshytta.


From hilly Breheimen and brutal Jotunheimen, the route continues into lush Skarvheimen and over the mighty Hardangervidda. No hike in our elongated country can offer such a wide range when it comes to nature experiences.

Published: January 24, 2025
DNT's offer

Starting at Sota Sæter in Breheimen and Haukeliseter as the final station, MASSIV takes you through four of Norway's most spectacular mountain areas.

You can walk the entire MASSIVE in one go or attack it in stages over several seasons. Is it most tempting to discover Breheimen in winter costume and explore Hardangervidda in the summer? The route is divided into four stages, one for each mountain area. So set yourself a goal, alone or with family or friends and carry out MASSIVE as you want. 



The entire route goes along the Norwegian Trekking Association's marked trails and you spend the night in valet and self-service cabins. You therefore do not have to carry a tent, sleeping bag and food, and can pack as light as possible.

Sign up

In the UT app, you can register your visits to the cabins along the route.

Follow the SjekkUT list for MASSIV

Hall of Fame

Once you've hiked all four mountain areas, you'll earn a rightful place in our Hall of Fame, the official MASSIVE badge, and a t-shirt as proof of the feat.


Before you go on a trip, it is important that you get the hiking maps that apply to MASSIV and that you plan well. Maps can be purchased at the Tursenteret in Storgata 3, or via our online store.

These are the map packs for MASSIV:

Norges-serien 1:50 000

The Norges series 1:50,000 is the best choice for covering the route continuously. 

  • 10064 Loon
  • 10056 Besseggen (formerly Bygdin)
  • 10048 Hemsedal
  • 10047 Aurland
  • 10039 Hardangerjøkulen
  • 10031 Nordmannslågen
  • 10024 Haukeli

Touring kart series

  • Nordeca Breheimen National Park Topo 3000, 1:50 000
  • Nordeca Jotunheimen West 1:50,000, or Calazo Jotunheimen 1:50,000
  • Nordeca Filefjell Topo 3000, 1:50 000
  • Nordeca Hemsedal Topo 3000, 1:50,000
  • Nordeca Skarveheimen-Arlandsdalen 1:50 000
  • Nordeca Finse 1:50 000
  • Nordeca Eidfjord 1:50 000
  • Map Fossøy Notodden Hiking map Haukelifjell 1:60 000
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