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En hytte på Omveien - den nye langruta fra Lillehammer i øst til Sognefjorden i vest, en rute hvor man krysser Fjell-Norge på tvers og får oppleve det mest spektakulære landet har å by på.


The detour is a 230 km long adventure that takes you from Lillehammer in the east to the Sognefjord in the west. Along the way, you will enter some of the most spectacular mountain scenery we have in Norway.

Published: January 24, 2025
DNT's offer

You can walk the detour in stages over several seasons or walk the entire trip in one. You follow the Norwegian Trekking Association's marked routes and spend the night in serviced and self-service cabins. Therefore, you can pack light and not have to carry a tent, sleeping bag and food. Here there are few limitations, feel free to spend several days in one cabin and pick spectacular peaks, or walk longer stages on the way! 


Kartbilde over OMVEIEN-ruta

OMVEIEN map package

Before you go on a trip, it is important that you get the hiking maps that apply to the DETOUR and that you plan well.

Maps can be purchased in the Tursenteret in Storgata 3 in Oslo or via our online store. This is the map package for OMVEIEN:

  • Nordeca Norgeserien 10050 Mjøsbyene 1:50 000
  • Nordeca Norgeserien 10057 Espedalen 1:50 000
  • Calazo Turkart Jotunheimen 1:50 000
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