Hiking in Skarvheimen
With Geiterygghytta as a starting point, you can pick and choose hiking destinations, and the cabin is a great starting point for the trip down the Aurlandsdalen valley. You may be visited by both arctic foxes and reindeer on the trip. The cabin is easily accessible for both young and old, with only 3 km. Walk along a mountain road.
Day trip/summit trip from Geiterygghytta
This hike is suitable for those who like to get up to a peak. Follow the marked route towards Hallingskeid. At the fishing hut in Bakkahelleren, you make your way up to the top. From the two large boulders at the top of Bakkehellertunga, 1504 m.a.s.l., the worn crown with a view of Hallingskarvet and Skarvheimen is located.
Ask the staff at Geiterygghytta for more information.
Godfjell and Skarvåtjørnane
The trip around Godfjell with a fishing rod
This is the trip for those who like to have their fishing rod in their backpack when hiking in the mountains. The trip also provides a good opportunity for a cooling dip in one of the gentle streams or small lakes.
In the fall, it is not impossible to see sheep for wild reindeer in the area.
The hike up to the top of Kittilsbunosi, 1408 meters above sea level, is a favorite trip both summer and winter.
You can choose whether you want to go straight up the steepest slopes towards the top, or if you want to follow the rest of the route between Kittilsbunosi and Storfonnosi.
Feel the path towards Finse, turn off at the moraine ridge towards the foot of the mountain and find your own way to the top. If you feel the protected route, take off when you have passed the pond and aim for the top that lies to your left.
Kittilsbunosi is the mountain cat Milli's first and only summit hike.
On the way down, I recommend a dip in one of the many puddles between the foot of the mountain and Geiterygghytta. Here you are guaranteed to swim without anyone looking at you.
Vargebreen and Vargevatnet
Vargebreen and Vargevatnet
This is a nice day trip for those who like uphills and mighty views. Feel the marked route towards Hallingskeid. At the fishing hut in Bakkahelleren, you make your way up the hill towards the band between Vargebreen and Bakkahellertunga. There is easy terrain to walk in, and you will find several places to go up the long ridge to the cairn at the top of Vargebreen, 1766 meters above sea level. From the top you have a clear view of the whole of Skarvheimen, all the way to the wide peaks in Jotunheimen.
Below the top, on the north side of the ridge lies Vargevatnet with good fishing opportunities.
The Aurlandskortet- Høgfjellsfisk in Skarvheimen can be bought at inatur.no
You can also drive all the way to Vargevatnet on one of the many construction roads in the area.
Goat's back, what does that name come from, many people ask?
Does it have our goat beer? I don't know for sure, but there are many who believe that it was called Jetteryggen, and that the name originates from the natural phenomenon of pothole. In earlier times, Danish was the prevailing written language, and many a town and farm name has been pre-Danish and differs from the pronunciation as I find it in the everyday language.
Jetteryggen itself, or as with no victory Geiteryggen you will find a short walk from the cabin. Feel the road eastwards, after 6 minutes, just after the deep dump, turn left. After a couple of minutes, you will be standing at the foot of Geiteryggen. Here you will find a total of 11 pots, some tiny and some larger. The biggest one calls me the cathedral, and dreams that someone wants to get married here ein gong.
Nice day trip from Geiterygghytta that is suitable for adults. You walk along the marked path towards Østerbø and the Aurlandsdalen valley. Experience high mountain nature where you can see the buzzard family soaring high above you to green slopes from Breibakka down to Stemmerbergdalen. Steinbergdalshytta held open throughout the summer. Go back the same way, or take the bus up to the Geiterygg tunnel.
Feel free to ask us who work at Geiterygghytta for more information and tips.
Lordehytta in Bakkahelleren
Did you know that I have our own Lordehytte in Bakkahelleren?
Lordehytta is located on a slope just up the twig trail towards Omsvatnet. The stone cabin is not easy to spot where it mostly blends in with nature. Hald is looking for a stone slab about 60 meters up in the ground.
On the bench with your back leaning against the cabin, and the sun in your face, you find peace and can let your thoughts flow freely while you look out over Hallingskarvet.
TAILWIND - the mountain road to the Aurlandsdalen valley
From high mountains to lush western Norway through the wild and beautiful Aurlandsdalen.
The tour starts at Finse and ends in Vassbygdi. You can plan to do the hike with two to four overnight stays. In addition to Geiterygghytta, you can spend the night at Finsehytta, Steinbergdalshytta and Aurlandsdalen tourist cabin DNT or Østerbø fjellstove (both at Østerbø).
See the trip description MEDVIND
See also