Food and drink at Fannaråkhytta
Cabin operation at 2068 meters involves careful planning of the goods that are to be raised. If there is too little of a variety, it is carrying that is needed - because it is only a transport quarter of a year. In total, there were 12-14 lifts of provisions under the helicopter to get everything up.
How we get delivery
All supplies for the operation of Fannaråkhytta were transported up by helicopter, something that has been done since the expansion of Fortun Power Plant began in the late 50's and the helicopter came to the area.
For the operation of the cabin, between 6-8 tons of supplies are needed per season. This includes kerosene for heating, food, gas for cooking and various equipment for maintaining the plant.
Small and intimate cabin
As there is little space in the cabins and one does not have electricity, the bulk of the provisions are canned food. Water will always be a problem in a place like Fannaråken with quite far down to the groundwater. All water is meltwater or rainwater. It can therefore occur in dry years in the summer that I simply run out of water. On such occasions, there is strict rationalization and the guests themselves are allowed to bring drinking water up to the cabin. This will then be signposted on surrounding cabins and paths.